TNA call Opens: apply for the EU Open Lab for Marine Technology

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EUMR (EU Marine Robots) is a network connecting marine robotics research infrastructures from ten European countries, to form a big Open Lab for researchers, scientists and companies.    


Robotics is taking on an increasingly prominent role in all contexts, including exploration and operations in sea and ocean. Europe is leading many aspects of the maritime sector, but lacks integrated and coordinated infrastructures for marine robotics.   The EUMarineRobots (EUMR) project aims to create a single integrated European infrastructure for underwater and surface robotics that connects the laboratories and technologies of fifteen research centers in ten European countries.

The idea behind the project is to form a single, large open lab, where underwater devices and laboratories of each EUMR partner are available to other researchers of the academic and industrial world, presenting a research project in TNA calls.

The third call has just opened: every student, academic or industrial scientist, entrepreneur can submit a project for evaluation.

EUMR guarantees, in addition to the possibility for researchers to design large-scale experiments, to form a single platform for research in underwater robotics, creating the basis for building a cohesive and integrated European scientific community in this sector, thanks to exchanges and interactions between groups of researchers from different countries.  

For all the information for submission and evaluation procedure please follow this link:    


